Program - Progress Status


Cloudify NoiPA is the digital transformation program of NoiPA, implemented by the MEF funded by the complementary operational program to the PON Governance and Institutional Capacity 2014-2020, managed by the Dipartimento della Funzione Pubblica. The Cloudify NoiPA Program is divided into two projects: Public personnel management system, focused on the development of administrative and institutional capacity to modernise the PA; Development of the information system focused on the development of e-government, interoperability, and support for the implementation of AgID’s Digital Agenda, through the creation of digital infrastructures.



The Program aims to leverage the potential of cloud technology to improve and expand the services provided, thus encouraging other public entities to join the system. In addition to transforming, consolidating, and innovating an advanced system of public personnel management, Cloudify NoiPA will allow the enhancement of the enormous NoiPA information heritage.

Specifically, the main objectives of the Program are to:

  • support the process of digital transformation of the Italian Public Administration, acting on one of the central processes of the public administration;
  • strengthen the organisational systems connected to the management of public personnel;
  • augment the user base, by extending the services to all public entities, from Central Public Administrations to National Health, from Regions to Local Authorities;
  • overcome the current fragmentation of services, centralising the infrastructures used;
  • improve and enhance the management of the information heritage resulting from the management of PA personnel, respecting privacy and data security standards.

Expected Result


Based on the objectives of the Cloudify NoiPA Program, the expected results are as follows:


  • the creation of a centralised unique personnel management system that will allow to extend the service to other Public Administrations. This will involve the possibility of involving a larger number of entities and, therefore, people;
  • the construction of a PA personnel database fed by reliable, updated, and structured information.
  • the provision of advanced and modular services based on the needs of individual Administrations.

Digital Transformation


Digital Transformation is a set of technological, organisational, and social changes aimed at providing services that connect people, places, and digital infrastructures. Simple and effective access to the services provided are key priorities since the focus of the development of new technologies is the end user.

In this perspective, the Italian Public Administration started a process of modernisation, based on the objectives defined within the Italian Digital Agenda, redesigning its role and offering integrated, simplified, and personalised digital services. In this context, the Cloudify NoiPA Program and the role of the MEF’s Direzione dei Sistemi Informativi e dell’Innovazione (DSII) is defined.

Asset Publisher


17 May 2017

Let's talk to...

Maria Ludovica Agrò, General Director of the Agency for Territorial Cohesion.

17 May 2017

Let's talk to..

Antonio Samaritani, General Director AgID.

17 May 2017

Let's talk to..

Luigi Ferrara, Chief of the Department of General Administration, Personnel, and Services- MEF (Ministry of Economy and Finance).

31 May 2017

Let's talk to..

Pasqualino Castaldi, General Inspectorate Chief of IGOP - RGS/MEF

31 May 2017

Let's talk to..

Pia Marconi, Head of Civil Service Department - Presidency of the Council of Ministers