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AgID: Approvato il Piano Triennale per l’Informatica nella Pubblica Amministrazione 2017-2019.

AgID: Approval of the Triennial Plan for Information technology within Public Administration 2017-2019


Below is outlined how services, investments and public IT expenditure will change and what is the role of NoiPA.

The Plan for IT within Public Administration 2017-2019 has been approved by Paolo Gentiloni and realized by AgID and the Team for Digital Transformation. It is a strategic and economic document that serves as a reference model for the development of the Italian public Information Technology  and the digital transformation strategy.

Moreover, the document will be used to coordinate the activities financed for the achievement of those objectives, established by the Digital Growth Strategy 2014-2020, in regards of the requalification of the expenditure ICT (about 4,6 billions euros).

The Plan provides guidelines for the creation of new services, the rationalization of data centers, the safety of public data and the reduction by half of the annual public expenditure within the IT sector.

The objectives, in line with what establishes the Stability Law 2016, will be achieved thanks to the investments scheduled for innovation and development. It will be AgID itself the one to guide the administrations through the adoption of the Plan principles.

The NoiPA system is already acknowledged by AgID as one of the national intangible infrastructures underpinning the ICT strategy of the Italian PA. Within the Plan, NoiPA is considered as one of the enabling platforms and solutions that offer fundamental functionalities, transversal and reusable on single projects, standardizing their delivery methods.

The Plan includes the evolution of the current system NoiPA and the migration towards the new platform by those administrations that haven’t adopted it yet, implementing the indications included in the reform of PA (Law  124/125 bearing “Deleghe al Governo in materia di riorganizzazione delle amministrazioni pubbliche”).

The Plan is available on the official website,, where it is possible to consult the FAQs and join the discussions on the forum.

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