



  • Best practice – set of best established procedures accomplished in a determined sector, which, systematically organized, constitute a reference model for the improvement of activities and services in terms of costs and quality.


  • Big data – collection of data which extension in terms of volume, speed and variety, requires the use of specific technologies and analytic methods for the value extraction.


  • Business Process Management – set of activities designed to define the business of a firm and to optimize, monitor and integrate its processes.

C - glossario


  • Cloud computing – set of technologies that allow to a provider to furnish as a customer service, the elaboration, the archiving and the memorizing of data. It is usually accomplished using an internet connection and hardware/software resources distributed and virtualized.



  • Data Governance – set of activities intended to manage people, processes, methodologies and technologies. The aim is to guarantee the proper handling of all data that are important for the organization.


  • Deliverable – a verifiable result, of significant relevance, issued by a project or program task.


  • Development Team – it is responsible for the delivery of the product, which is potentially deliverable at the end of every Sprint. A Development Team is composed of 3-9 people with cross-functional competences and who perform the actual work (analysis, designing, development, test, technical communication, documentation..). The Development Team in Scrum self-organizes itself even though there could be an interface to the PMO (Project Management Office).


  • Digitalization – it indicates the transformation from manual to digital of processes and activities with the support of a software

E - Glossario


  • Epica -  it is a bigger user story for Scrum. An Epica is comprehensive of a unique workflow for a user and it can be realized independently.



  • Features – characteristic, peculiarity, quality, functionality or function.


  • Flexibility – intrinsic ability of a system to adapt to external environment changes. By using the Business Process Management it is possible to develop business services according to modules that are customized on users’ needs.



  • Artificial intelligence - It is a discipline belonging to computer science that studies the theoretical foundations, the methodologies and the techniques that allow the creation of software systems capable of carrying out complex "reasoning", inferences and deductions starting from a training, from learning information and from the interaction with human beings and other automated systems



  • KPI (Key Performance Indicator) – indexes that are used to monitor the trend of a process. For the Cloudify NoiPA Program there is an “system of indicators” that develops on three levels. This system measures the progress status of the project and the degree of achievement of the objectives. It also highlights the impacts that the project has on the users.



  • Lead – a user already registered in a database of potential clients who could be interested in buying a service/product, but he is not yet.



  • Machine learning - Branch of Artificial Intelligence that deals with the development of algorithms and techniques that allow computers to "learn". Also known as Automatic Learning.


  • Modularity – within the development and production of services, it constitutes the intermediate solution between standardization and customization. Indeed, each one of the modules is designed and realized so that it works independently from the other ones. In the case of future system Cloudify NoiPA, the services catalogue will be composed of individual modules (micro- services packages) integrated with each other.


  • Multichannel – opportunity for the users to access the services through different channels. This approach is not limited to the mere addition of channels, it actually enables a broader interaction for the users.

O - Glossario


  • On demand – the expression indicates the access to computer information only at the moment it is needed, in other cases, by paying them on the basis of amount of use and not according to a license or the payment of a fixed rate.


  • Open Data practice through which data and information available in the Public Administration sector are made accessible to privates, allowing the free access according to proper open licences. There are no copyright restrictions, patents or any other form of control that would limit the replication of data. The free access to public data is an Open Government tool, an administrative model based on governments and public administrations clarity, citizens involvement and contribution to the Administration choices, through a direct involvement in the Administration activities. The total accessibility to the Public Administration information is intended to guarantee the control over the work of the Public Administration and to enhance the generation of ideas and knowledge, so to pave the way towards new initiatives through the reuse of it by citizens, professionals or firms for other scopes in the view of enhancing the social and economic development (fonte:


  • Open Government (Open Administration) – it is an administration model  whose aim is to make procedures and decisions clearer and more open to citizens involvement. (fonte:

P - glossario


  • Pipeline – it allows the elaboration of new data with no need to wait that the data previously sent have been processed.


  • Personas – In the usercentered design, they correspond to archetypes based on results from researches and created with the aim of identifying their user types. More specifically, they represent users from different divisions that currently use the System NoiPA. The identification of personas within the userexperience has been made in order to cover all the use cases concerning the organizational macro-processes.


  • PoC (Proof of Concept) – an incomplete draft of a project or a methodology, realized with the purpose of proving the feasibility or grounding of some of its forming principles or concepts (eg. prototype). The term is mainly used in the IT field and it consists of a practical demonstration of the basic functions of an implementation or an entire system integrating it inside an already existing environment. In the specific field of cybersecurity, the term Proof of Concept is used to highlight the vulnerabilities of a software or a computer system.


  • Product Backlog – ordered list of a product requirements. To each one of the requirements the Product Owner assigns a priority that is based on risks, business value and realization deadlines. The product backlog is open and editable by all the Team Scrum members, but the Product Owner is the ultimate responsible for its management.


  • Product Owner – within the Team Scrum it represents the stakeholders. He defines the product requirements focused on clients needs, he assigns them the priority and ads them to the product backlog.


  • Prospect – potential client, as he/she already showed interest in the purchasing of a product or service.

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  • Release – new version of a software, released or diffused, characterized by a number.


  • Release Review - release Review is the revision of the entire release, at this stage the work is analyzed and corrections to be made are decided.

S - Vocabulary


  • Scaleable – software (or hardware) feature that allows its following extension, with new functionalities and without it being necessary to modify its fundamental attributes.


  • Scrum – framework of the Agile methodology for the management of the development cycle of the software, iterative and incremental, focused on the reduction of development times and number of roles, with a higher control on the artefacts to produce


  • Scrum Master – in the Scrum Team he is the responsible for the methodology. He has to ensure its understanding and approval at all levels. He also helps people external to the Scrum Team to understand whether the interactions with the Scrum Team are useful or not. In addition, he contributes adjusting these interactions in order to maximize the value created by the Scrum Team.


  • Service model – service provision guidelines, such as lifecycle, potential bundles, type of relationship with the interlocutors (direct or by an intermediary), support, pricing.


  • Sprint - it is a set period of time with a maximum duration of 6-8 weeks. During this period the scheduled work has to be completed. Sprints represent the software development cycles. At the beginning of a Sprint, the teams compare and select the priority activities, which needs to be completed. They then develop the planned User Story gathering in periodic meetings (SALs) in order to be continuously updated on the progress of the work done, to share the results obtained, and to define future goals. Finally, the workgroups release the completed and integrated feature, which must have passed the tests and hence be functional and releasable.


  • Sprint Planning - this is Sprint's first phase. During this phase, the User Stories to be developed during Sprint execution are planned and assigned to each team. The duration of this phase may vary depending on the activities included in the schedule and the amount of aspects involved.


  • Sprint Execution - this is Sprint's second phase. During this phase, the development teams implement the User Stories planned in the previous Sprint Planning phase. This stage is hence the one in which the user stories are realized and the one in which their progress (Sprint Backlog) is monitored, eliminating any possible obstacles.


  • Sprint Review - this is Sprint’s last phase. During this phase, the Sprint’s trend in terms of completion of the User Story and in terms of the existence of technical debts over initial planning are evaluated. Therefore, this is the stage in which the results obtained are shown to the Product Owner and to the Stakeholders, and in which feedbacks are collected and possible corrections identified.


  • Stakeholder – all involved actors and all those ones that have an interest of any kind in the project (directly and indirectly).



  • Team Scrum – The Team Scrum is composed of the Product Owner, the Development Team and a Scrum Master. The Scrum Teams are auto-organized and cross-functional: they choose how to perform at best organizing and coordinating themselves internally. They also have all the necessary competences to do the job with no need of help external to the team.

U - Vocabulary


  • UML – Unified Modeling Language, a semi formal and graphic language (based on diagrams) used to specify, visualize, realize, modify and document the artifacts of a system (software system).


  • User journey – methodology used in the Program to analyze the needs of the main actors with the aim of defining system and service functionalities, and the expected experience deriving from the use of it.


  • User stories - a working unit agreed upon developers and stakeholders. Example of a user story: “I am a user and I would like to set my credentials so I can access the system”.

W - glossario


  • Wireframe – graphical representation of a website/platform, in which all the collected information are reported