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IO App: now available on Android and iOS stores

IO App: now available on Android and iOS stores


The IO app of the Italian Public Administration is now available with the open beta version and can be downloaded for free from Android and iOS app stores.

The Italian Digital Transformation Team, in collaboration with AgID, announced in May 2018 the birth of the IO app for smartphones, with the aim of allowing citizens to manage relations with the Public Administration and access to public services through a single touchpoint.

Now the IO app is available in open beta version, and can be downloaded for free from Android and iOS app-stores.


IO was conceived as a collective heritage: for this reason, the app has an entirely open source based on open and collaborative development processes. All component code and development tools are public and anyone who wants and has the skills can contribute, integrating these resources or proposing improvements.


IO app offers 3 main menus, in addition to the Profile menu: the list of Messages coming from the PA and the app, to keep you updated on deadlines and relevant news; Payments, where you can pay for paper alerts by scanning the QR code, and the list of Services selectable through the geographical area of interest.


The Services are divided into Local and National, the user can then choose which services to "subscribe" to be notified near an expiration date (e.g. from the registry services, for the renewal of the Identity Card), to know when to start a payment (e.g. from the school services for the canteen or from the tax office for the TARI) or to receive notifications in special cases (e.g. Civil Protection alerts).


The purpose of the IO App is to centralize the notifications of the Administrations and facilitate the payment of services. Therefore, through the Payments area, thanks to the PagoPA platform integrated in the app, you can add a payment method that for the current open beta version o is represented by the Credit Card with a maximum fee of 1.50 euro. In the near future, the payment methods will be extended to include not only credit cards but als SatisPay, Postepay, PayPal and Bancomat Pay circuits. To proceed with the payment you can scan with the camera the ID Code on the bulletin or enter the data manually.


IO app offers a Profile tab that contains the information of your profile and allows any changes you want to make on your account. Customizations that also allow the enabling of biometric recognition, or the forwarding of the messages of the app also via email.


To ensure security and privacy, after 30 seconds of inactivity IO asks again for the insertion of the unlock pin to access or the use of biometric recognition if it has been chosen by the user as method of access. The IO app, while offering fingerprint and facial recognition access modes to simplify the user experience, does not collect or process this information, thus protecting the privacy and sensitive data of every citizen.

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