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The DSII meets the Digital Team

The DSII meets the Digital Team


The DSII meets the Special Commissioner for the implementation of the Digital Agenda Diego Piacentini

On January 30, the Information Systems and Innovation Office (DSII) of the Ministry of Economics and Finance met Diego Piacentini, the Government Special Commissioner for the implementation of the Digital Agenda.

The meeting has been the opportunity to reinforce the cooperation started months ago with the Digital Transformation Team and to share the progress of the program, showing the results achieved so far in terms of User Interface and data model.

During the meeting, the DSII presented the first achievements of the adoption of co-design within the program, showing, in particular, the results of the contest launched in December to choose the home page of the new portal and the first wireframes produced. The actions undertaken for the construction of the open data of the future system were also shown, identifying some of the most relevant datasets to be published together with the new platform.

Finally, the participants investigated the synergies between the work of the Digital team and the activities carried out under the Cloudify NoiPA program, discussing about the role of the future NoiPA system as enabling platform and as essential intangible infrastructure for the technological development of the country.