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The new Three-Year Plan for Information Technology in the Public Administration 2019-2021

The new Three-Year Plan for Information Technology in the Public Administration 2019-2021


The new three-year IT Plan defines the lines of action to promote the digital transformation of the country

Minister Giulia Bongiorno and the Agency for Digital Italy have approved the Three-Year Plan for Information Technology in the Public Administration 2019-2021 defining the lines of action to promote digital transformation of the public sector and the whole country. After being presented to the State Regions Conference and shared with the Digital Agenda Special Commission to make it participate in the implementation process, following the involvement of local and central PAs during the drafting and connection phase, the Plan, made available by AgID, concretizes the Digital Administration Code (CAD) provisions.

The CAD states that public administrations should be organized using information and communication technologies for achieving the objectives of efficiency, effectiveness, transparency and simplification.

The Plan, therefore, provides the guidelines and envisages new actions to accelerate digital transition of administrations and territories and make citizens and businesses protagonists of innovation by implementing a shared strategy with all the possible players in the digital transformation of the country, within a framework of structured collaboration. Furthermore, the new Three-Year Plan contains important elements to prepare governance: it supports the inclusive digital growth path of central and local PAs focusing on the figure of the Digital Transition Manager (RTD) and strengthens the interventions supporting local administrations for bridging the gap between different territories in the country.

Just part of the actions to follow up the digital transformation of the PA, the Director of DSII, Francesco Paolo Schiavo was appointed RTD for the Ministry of Economy and Finance. Thanks to the experience accumulated in the development and expansion of the services offered by the management, such as NoiPA and Cloudify NoiPA, the Director will facilitate the challenging task of supporting Italy digital growth, starting from the needs of MEF departments.

The new 2019-2021 plan continues the action of the previous version, adding new ones, in a framework of structured collaboration with all stakeholders. Therefore, the consolidation of activities already underway, such as the rationalization of public data centers and the adoption of the Cloud in Italian administrations with the application of the cloud first principle, continues, establishes the evolution and diffusion of digital services, among which paper electronic identity, SPID and PagoPA. The new Plan also defines the models and tools for innovation with a focus on open innovation and smart landscape paradigm topics, incorporating the latest changes introduced by the Digital Administration Code (CAD) and recent European directives and regulations on digital innovation.

The main changes of the 2019-2021 Three-Year Plan concern:

  • a greater emphasis on the role of territorial administrations, which will be accompanied along their digital transformation path also through the sharing of good practices
  • the implementation of the latest changes introduced by the CAD and the recent European directives and regulations on digital innovation (such as the European Action Plan on eGovernemnt)
  • the strengthening of the Public Administration Cloud paradigm with the application of the Cloud first principle (the PAs, in the definition phase of a new project / service, must evaluate and adopt the cloud paradigm before any other technology, taking into account to prevent the risk of lock-in and evaluate the use of public, private or hybrid clouds in relation to the nature of the data processed)
  • the definition of models and tools for innovation for the public administration with a focus on the themes of open innovation and smart landscape paradigm (public administrations must conduct preparatory actions for the adoption of generalized digital identity systems, starting with the adoption of SPID)

The Plan represents an instrument in continuous evolution, which goes in the direction of an increasingly extended involvement of the administrations that operate in the territory, but also of the real final recipients of the digital transformation of the PA. It is an important step forward that comes after more than a year of work, allowing us to continue, with renewed energy, a three-year process of digitalization of the Public Administration and start again from a logic strongly oriented to citizens, businesses and public administrations.

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