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Launch event of the European PoSeID-on project at the MEF

Launch event of the European PoSeID-on project at the MEF


On 25 October in Rome, European partners discuss on the risks and opportunities of digital identity in live streaming.

Thursday, October 25th 2018, starting at 9.30, at the headquarters of the Ministry of Economy and Finance, will take place, in Via XX Settembre in Rome, the launch event of the European PoSeID-on project. You can follow the live-streaming here:


The launch event, entitled “Digital Identity: Privacy Threats and Business Opportunities, Will the Technology Fix Everything?” aims to promote a wider discussion on digital identity and its implications, stressing the role for companies and for improving citizen’s lives. The meeting will focus on the human dimension of digital identity, showing how digital ID is a fundamental prerequisite for enabling citizens to use innovative services and participate in modern economic, social and political systems.

The project, a consortium of 10 European partners led by the MEF (formed by public and private entities of seven different countries) selected by the European Commission under the Horizon2020 call, named: “Cybersecurity PPP: Privacy, Data Protection, Digital Identities”.


Speakers at the event:

Renato Catalano - Head of Department at DAG (Dept. of General Administration of Personnel and Services) – MEF

Isabella Corradini - Social and labor Psychologist and security expert (safety, security, and cybersecurity) with a focus on the human factor - Themis Research Centre

Roberto Viola – Director General of DG Connect (Directorate-General for Communication, Content and Technology Networks) of the European Union

Matteo Cattaneo - Head of Innovation and Corporate Strategy - Reale Mutua Assicurazioni

Alessia Valentini - PoSeID-on Technical Leader – Accenture

Melek Önen - Coordinator of the Papaya project (EURECOM)

Bernard Le Masson – Managing Director – Health & Public Service, Management Consulting Europe Lead - Accenture

Francesco Paolo Schiavo - Moderator - Project Coordinator PoSeID-on - Director General of Information Systems and Innovation – MEF

Massimo Garavaglia - Ministry of Economy and Finance

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