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Cloudify@ForumPA 2017 24/05

Il Workshop@Forum PA 2017


Before the two days entitled “Cloudify NoiPA – the transformation project for digital transformation of NoiPA” in which the Cloudify NoiPA Program will be presented at Forum PA 2017.

Speaker: Roberta Lotti
Department for General Administration of Personnel and Services, Direction of Informative Systems and Innovation (DSII) Office II – Ministry of Economy and Finance.


Biography :

Roberta Lotti – Engaged in PA since 1990, she is the current Director of Office II of the Direction of Informative Systems and Innovation of MEF, where she is Program Management Officer of IT projects of the Direction, among which there is Cloudify NoiPA, the NoiPA digital transformation program – financed as part of the Program Action Cohesion Complementary to PON Governance and Institutional Capacity 2014 – 2020, managed by the Agency for Territorial Cohesion.

She is involved in the promotion and the garrison over technology innovation, seeking for integration and cooperation with European national institutes.

She is the project manager of the project SUNFISH – Secure Information Sharing in federated heteroceneous private clouds, financed by the program UE Horizon 2020 and realized by a consortium, led by MEF, composed of eleven partners from six different countries (Austria, Estonia, Israel, Malta, United Kingdom and Italy). She is in charge of the definition of the policies for the privacy safeguard and the cyber security and MEF information management. She also coordinates the working group for the realization of a Ministerial CERT as part of the National Plan for cyber protection and IT security.

She has been coordinating the service NoiPA for seven years, being this service committed to the payment of public personnel salary, and enabling important projects towards the rationalization and innovation of the service.

Examples are the dematerialization and federation with MIUR systems, the “Unique docket” system, the portal NoiPA – Services PA to people PA, the self service platform for one and a half million citizens, and the project for the economic management in NoiPA of the region of Lazio personnel and the whole regional health care system.

She holds a degree in Pedagogy and Political Science. In 2013, she achieved a Master in “Management of IT security for Enterprises and Public Administration”; in 2012, the Certification as Project Manager issued by the “Italian Institute for Project Management” and the one as Auditor/Lead Auditor for the “Management systems for information safety”. (



For more details on the event, visit the forum PA 2017 website at the following links 

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