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Cloudify@ForumPA 2017 25/05

II Workshop@Forum PA 2017


Second of the two days entitled “Cloudify NoiPA – the project for digital transformation of NoiPA” in which the Cloudify NoiPA Program will be presented at the Forum PA 2017.

Speaker: Andrea Iudica

Department of General Administration, of Personnel and Services, Direction of Informative Systems and Innovation (DSII) Office VII – Ministry of Economy and Finance.



Andrea Iudica – Part of PA since 1995, he is the current Chief of Office VII of the Direction of Informative Systems and Innovation of MEF where he is in charge of the assistance services and of the relationships with the users along with the infrastructures and the related applications managed by DSII, among which there is the NoiPA portal.

His career has started as an executive of the Ministry of Public Works (now “Infrastructures and Transportation”), at first at the Provveditorato OO.PP for the region of Liguria, dealing with contracts and expropriations, then he moved to the Direction of the Personnel where he has worked for nine years as the responsible of the workplace legal department, a branch of the infrastructures, arranging the acts of constitution and responses for the litigations in front of the court, advocating as direct representative of the first instance of appeal in Rome and Italy, as well as drafting the defensive relations for the Legal Council of State for litigations of his competency.

In 2006 he becomes coordinator of the Secretary of the General Director of Personnel, an organizational unit of 12 people, assisting the Director over all the relevant themes and the relative tasks concerning connections and alignment between the Director and the Executives.


In 2008 he wins the IV Contest for managerial training at the SSPA along with a 6 years internship at the Ministry of Economy and Finance – Ministry Cabinet.

In 2010 he becomes an Executive of the Ministry of Economy and Finance with role of researcher for the Ministry Cabinet.

In 2013 he is entitled as Chief of Office I of the Direction of Services of Treasury of Department of General Administration, of the personnel and services, meaning he has the regency of the Office XII as well.

In October 2014, he gains the role he has nowadays as of as the Chief of Office VII of the Direction of Informative Systems and Innovation of the DAG. In this Office he is also in charge of the communication for the System NoiPA and for the more recent Program Cloudify, as he is responsible of the Program Portal.

He is in charge as well of the detached headquarters of Latina with an overall organic that amounts to more than one hundred human resources.

He holds a degree in Law from LUISS – Guido Carli in Roma. Afterwards, in 1992, he has gotten his law license to practice as lawyer at the Court of Appeal in Rome. (



For more details on the event, visit the forum PA 2017 website at the following links

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