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The process of rationalising public data centres and training NSPs (National Strategic Points) comes to life

The process of rationalising public data centres and training NSPs (National Strategic Points) comes to life


Data center and training of the AgID national strategic poles: to raise the level of security of the infrastructures of the Public Administration

After the entry into force of the circular AgID n. 1/2019 on the Census of ICT heritage of PA and classification of infrastructure suitable for use by NSPs, with the publication in the Official Journal (General Series n.152 of 01-07-2019), the procedure for verifying the suitability of an infrastructure according to the provisions of article n. 5 "Verification procedures" of the circular is available on the site.


The objective is to establish the fundamental architectural principles, the rules of usability and interoperability, the logic of classification of ICT expenses and the model for the development of digital, to ensure the development of information systems of public administrations.


In particular, all Public Administrations that have physical infrastructures must take part in the census carried out by AgID on the basis of which the infrastructures of the PA candidates for the role of National Strategic Poles will be identified or classified in the following two categories (in the logic of safeguarding past investments made by the administrations):


- Group A - Quality data centres not eligible as National Strategic Pole, or with structural or organisational deficiencies considered minor.

- Group B - Data centres that do not guarantee minimum reliability and safety requirements from the infrastructural and/or organisational point of view, or do not guarantee the continuity of services.


The Procedure for assessing the suitability for use by PSN is carried out on the infrastructures that were preliminarily suitable following the census phases defined in Circular AgID no. 1/2019. The procedure is carried out by AgID through the on-site visit of the infrastructure by a verification group in charge and will be conducted according to the principles of UNI EN ISO 19011:2018. The document details the organisational phases for assessing suitability and the implications in the event of a positive or negative outcome.

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