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NoiPA and Sunfish: cloud efficiency and blockchain security for the innovation of the National Economic System

NoiPA and Sunfish: cloud efficiency and blockchain security for the innovation of the National Economic System


On the 8th of November the three international application systems, part of the European platform Sunfish and at the base of the NoiPA system will be presented

In the current economic scenario data and services represent the most precious goods, becoming every day more and more important elements of the global competition challenge. The technological innovation projects that the Ministry for Economy and Finance has undertaken in the last three years are part of this challenge with a strong vocation towards change. The started path has conducted to the creation of infrastructures and unedited processes through the adoption of technologies that are trustworthy, modern and that involve resources and competencies that were already present in the public offices of our Country. More specifically, the technologies we are considering are those ones related to the Cloud Computing paradigm and the Blockchain platform which allow to use the Public Administration data in a safe and easy way. The objective is to fully enhance the informative heritage of the Public Administration data by linking them inextricably to the development of new services for citizens. Indeed, the Ministry of Economy and Finance has always been focused on the person, embracing the “User centered” approach. The project NoiPA takes place from here and thanks to the cloud platform the Ministry today is able to provide paychecks and salaries services for all the big central administrations with the objective of extending it to the peripheral ones by using the program Cloudify NoiPA. The peripheral system is made up of ten thousands institutions including local Governament. The platform is universal indeed: any public administration can decide to adhere. The NoiPA cloud infrastructure is therefore a concrete opportunity for immediate and ready to use innovation for all the public administrations since it is perfectly scalable and characterized by big solidity and safe functioning thanks to the blockchain technology.

The development of the European platform Sunfish has been fundamental for the implementation of NoiPA as it is the solution for the safe integration of different clouds for protected sharing of data and for the realization of different application scenarios in a transnational view. The Sunfish project has been developed in fact in the context of “Horizon 2020”, European financing program for research and innovation. The project closure event will be held on the 8th of November at the Ara Pacis in Rome, at the presence of the European Commission and the project partners. The three application scenarios, enabled by the platform Sunfish and relating to Italy, United Kingdom and Malta, will be presented.

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