Conduct rules


Rules of conduct


We created/devised this section because your suggestions and opinions are very important for us and they are an integral part of the Cloudify NoiPA Program.

You can share your ideas and leave a comment on the ones published by others. There are few simple rules of conduct that we ask you to comply with in order to communicate in a constructive and respectful way on the Cloudify NoiPA Portal.

1. Bear in mind that those ones who manage the contents of this section, and the other users as well, are people exactly like you are. It is everyone’s duty to communicate in mutual respect.


2. Do not post or your personal data (sensitive data, such as the password of the private area of the portal) or third parties data. Remember that the username chosen during your registration will be published, if your content is authorised, in the "Proposals and suggestions" page.


3. Use a proper language and a polite tone so to provide a valuable contribution avoiding offensive and unclear communication. Foul language or any other kind of offense to Administration, other contributors and third parties, will not be tolerated.


4. Contribute leaving comments concerning proposal’ subject only, in order to not go out of topic. For any other topic that may interests you, check whether they are present or not amongst the proposals already provided by users. As an alternative you could devise a new proposal through the appropriate key button.


The team that manages the Cloudify NoiPA page “Proposals and suggestions” retains the right to not authorize and/or delete contents which:


  • Contain sensitive data;
  • Contain offensive and/or vulgar comments or personal attacks on the Administration and/or other users;
  • Contain personal attacks on the Administration and/or other users;
  • Contain promotional, illegal, racist messages
  • Contain contents that are absolutely out of topic, including alarm messages on viruses, shackles and anything else that can be considered as spamming

These rules reflect the objectives of the Cloudify NoiPA Program and they conform to the principles and the mission that this Direction pursues throughout the duration of the Program.