Program - Progress Status

  • 1

    Step 1

    Program Approval

  • 2

    Step 2

    High Level Design

  • 3

    Step 3

    Guidelines and Architecture Design

  • 4

    Step 4

    Development Phase Release 1

  • 5

    Step 5

    Development phase Release 2

  • 6

    Step 6

    Implementation phase of the Programme: User services

  • 7

    Step 7

    Implementation phase of the programme: testing

  • 8

    Step 8

    Fase esecutiva del Programma: Analisi dati e servizi utenti

  • 9

    Step 9

    Fase esecutiva del Programma: Migrazione dei dati

  • 10

    Step 10

    Fase esecutiva del Programma: Realizzazione test di funzionamento

Step 1: Program Approval

The launch of the Cloudify NoiPA digital transformation program coincides with the approval done by the Dipartimento della Funzione Pubblica of the Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri as Intermediary Body of the PON Governance and Institutional Capacity, of the two project files, funded respectively by Axis 1 and Axis 2, drafted by the Directorate of Information Systems and Innovation (DSII) of the MEF.

The stipulation of the relative agreements formalizes the EU co-financing of the program Cloudify NoiPA through the National Operational Program Governance and Institutional Capacity 2014 - 2020 ESF / ERDF.

Step 2: High Level Design

The second implementation phase of the program Cloudify NoiPA focused on defining and drafting the "HL Design Program Document and Project Plan".

In the interests of management and overall coordination, the document turns to the definition of an organic framework structured and exhaustive of the digital processing program Cloudify NoiPA.

It describes all the relevant components of the Program, the expected results, the costs and implementation times and the macro-solutions of technological and application business models necessary to achieve the Program objectives are identified. The program plan represents a real operational work plan identifying solutions, methodologies, tools and actions and defining possible Change Management initiatives.

To support the planning and monitoring of the program, PMO tools have been developed, such as templates for the State of Works Progress, format for defining roadmaps, critical paths of activities, models of objective cards for authorization to carry out project activities and verbal models for verifying the completion of the activities carried out.

In addition, meetings and workshops aimed at gathering the requirements and needs of the end user were carried out by the administration.

Step 3: Guidelines and Architecture Design

In realizing the activities carried out in the previous step to define the tools to support the planning of the digital transformation program, Cloudify NoiPA has defined the PMO model and the guidelines for internal and external communication have been defined.

The central activity of the third phase was the mapping of the user user journey, intended as an analysis of the main needs of the system users and as the first fundamental step in defining the methods and methods through which the new services can be used.

In IT application field, the third step was characterized by the definition of guidelines for software development, architecture and data management

Step 4: Development Phase Release 1

The fourth executive step of the program was aimed at translating the requirements into software components of the new system. The project dedicated to the development of the Cloudify NoiPA program, in fact, is structured according to Agile methodology - Scrum which involves the construction of self-contained software packages distributed release, which are composed of several Sprint representing the software development cycles. Each sprint is structured, in turn, in three different stages that make up the life cycle and are called Planning, Execution and Review.

The Release 1 has been divided into 3 Sprints that have seen the realization of the built-in services of the system, that is of all the transversal and enabling services such as the registry of the employees, the registry of the bodies and others.

In particular, the focus was on defining the guidelines and the macro-requirements of the migration model to be implemented. Through the realization of the activities of reconnaissance of the approaches and the tools, the strategy of support to the change has been built to support the administrations in the phase of migration of the registry services both from the point of view of the Entity and that of the administrators.

Following the definition of the methodology and strategy to be applied, the work focused on the development of services related to administration management (which aims to manage the completion of the managed administrations personal data in the NoiPA system) and the management of the agreement (which is aimed at the management system of the agreement between the government and the NoiPA system and services associated with it).

Step 5: Development phase Release 2

The Cloudify NoiPA program execution phase continued with Release 2.


For this release, the teams have been committed to producing the software components functional to the calculation of gross table salary and, in particular, the macro processes related to the definition of gross tables resulting from National Collective Labor Contracts (CCNL), recruitment, the management of career events and the calculation of remuneration. The preliminary analysis was therefore carried out to guarantee compliance with the relevant legislation, taking also into consideration the peculiarities of the entities.


As well as the Release 1, Release 2 has been divided into three cycles of software development, said Sprint.


During the sprints, the teams worked, for example, on the creation of the epics called "management of absences" / "expectations" / leave "," part-time configuration and management "," management of appointments "," transfers "," registry termination " and "presence detection".


During Release 2, transversal issues were also considered preliminary to the development of the next release and, in parallel, the Service and Software Development working groups started the preparatory activities for the design of the epic, feature and user story of Release 3.

Step 6: Implementation phase: User services

The sixth phase of the programme has begun, in which the first services to users and administrations are progressively implemented and released.
The functions to be released are: NoiPA cloudify app, Evaluation module, New portal, self-service services for the administrated and knowledge services for the different stakeholders.
Considering the high complexity, the planning phase proved to be fundamental for the start of the execution phase, both from the point of view of the development of additional functions, and for the definition of greater detail of the program for joining the new NoiPA system.

Step 7: Implementation phase of the programme: testing

The seventh phase focuses on the execution of the tests, aimed at the incremental release of the main services of the new portal.


External administrations and institutions have been involved in the tests currently underway, and are actively participating, providing valuable contributions.

The subject of the current work is the Legal Registry, Salaries and Attendance Recording. On each of these, security and load tests are carried out through penetration tests, vulnerability assessments and stress tests. The load tests of the components/functionalities are carried out in three distinct tranches:

  • Session 1: Roles and Profiles, Salaries Core, DMS, Portal;
  • Session 2: Legal Core, Consolidated Salaries, TimeManagement-Data Collecting;
  • Session 3: Monthly/Three-monthly/Annual Requirements, Additional Salaries I, Time and Attendance TM.


Taking full advantage of the potential of the Cloud architecture and the DevOps methodology, we proceed with continuous releases that allow incremental testing of the various system components. The multiple  environments made available for the project make it possible to test in parallel both the functional aspects of each module and the integration with the other modules of the system (Legal Registry, Economic, TimeManagement, Other Services).

Step 8: Fase esecutiva del Programma: Analisi dati e servizi utenti

Continua l’esecuzione del Programma con l’analisi dei dati delle amministrazioni già gestite in NoiPA per la predisposizione di tutti i nuovi servizi.

Parallelamente è stato rilasciato il nuovo servizio di Rendicontazione contabile per gli Enti gestiti dal sistema, che rende disponibile, in formati lavorabili, il dettaglio delle voci relative ai pagamenti stipendiali emessi da NoiPA.

Step 9: Fase esecutiva del Programma: Migrazione dei dati

E’ stata avviata la fase di migrazione dei dati volta ad assicurare, per le Amministrazioni già gestite, il “passaggio” dall’attuale applicativo al nuovo sistema NoiPA, minimizzandone l’impatto sugli utenti.

In questa fase vengono definiti i lotti di Amministrazioni attualmente gestite da NoiPA che saranno progressivamente migrate. Vengono inoltre realizzate le attività di bonifica dei dati e di trasformazione e trasferimento verso il nuovo sistema NoiPA.

Step 10: Fase esecutiva del Programma: Realizzazione test di funzionamento

Prosegue l'avanzamento del Programma Cloudify NoiPA con l’avvio dei test volti a verificare le funzionalità del nuovo sistema.

La finalità di questi test è la verifica complessiva delle funzionalità realizzate e della capacità di rispondere alle esigenze degli utenti finali anche utilizzando infrastrutture tecnologiche differenti.

In questa fase vengono verificati casi particolari di funzionamento ed effettuate simulazioni dell’emissione della rata stipendiale.